a collaborative community of inquisitive thinkers driven by data to secure your success.
Kimberly Agurto
Quality Research Analyst
Krystle Beglari
Senior Assoc./Research & Design
Mishell Behrman
Senior Director of Programming and Fielding
Peter Lazaro
VP of Analytics & Strategy
Coley Lippard
Data Visualization Associate
Leila Mack
Executive Assistant
Lily Sandoval
Manager Accounting & Administration
Erica Schweitzer
Media & Data Visualization Coordinator
Estelle Smith
Quality Research Analyst
Rebecca Struckoff
Accounts Payable
Michelle Hinojosa
Sr. Experience Researcher
Mark Jaimes
Manager of Research Insights
Chris Laberge
SVP, Content and Marketing Strategy
Dave Smith
CEO and Founder
Dave Smith, CEO and Founding Partner has been an avid media observer and prognosticator since his days as a student and subsequent faculty member at the J School at University of Missouri. Dave has been instrumental in shaping the media landscape over the past 40 years, working closely with just about every major network, cabler, station group, syndicator, and production company across the globe. Dave currently serves as the lead for our Strategy group, bringing ideas and solutions to Broadcast networks, TV stations, Cable channels, daytime talk, late night, reality programs, working closely with senior executives across the landscape looking for his unique combination of acumen, experience, down-to-earth demeanor, and ability to cut through the noise. When Dave is not shaping the media landscape, he can be found fishing in multiple tributaries of the Yellowstone River.
Seth Geiger
President and Co-Founder
Seth Geiger, President and Founding Partner has the good fortune to apply his Ph.D. in Mass Communication Research every day into solving intractable problems, creating unique designs, and constructing innovative media testing platforms. Seth, has worked closely across the media and technology spaces, having had a seat at the table as an advisor and counselor at the launch of every digital media platform over the past three decades. Seth currently leads our Analytics and Insights group, focusing on creating innovative design to answer the thorniest questions with clarity and transparency, and building new approaches to extract the most acute insights on behalf of our clients. Seth works closely with a dedicated team of analysts and data scientists, constructing the SmithGeiger research process into an effective mechanism for converting data into insights and insights into strategy. You can find Seth running the beaches of Santa Barbara and skiing or mountain biking the high country around Durango, CO when he is not crunching the numbers.
31365 Oak Crest Drive Suite 150
Westlake Village, CA 91361
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