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From media, mobile, and retail to technology, finance and government, our research and insights build audiences, consumer bases, and shape the world’s most recognized brands.


Media & Clients



Cord cutters. Skinny bundles. Unprecedented options. Screens everywhere all the time. Where others see disruption and huddle defensively, we find opportunity and offer research and insights to navigate industry trends and increase acquisition and retention rates. Among other services, we:

• identify key audience segments
• define brand filters for specific channels
• evaluate customer satisfaction
• develop pricing strategies
• reveal key trends in viewing habits (all screens)
• choreograph messaging across social networks
• assess and develop existing programming
• evolve original programming (program tests)

As the industry continues to evolve, we will continue to help our clients anticipate trends, create exceptional content, and entertain ever increasing numbers of actively engaged subscribers.



Smartphones, smart TVs, tablets, and Internet television may be reimagining media, but telecoms provide the infrastructure and networks that enable the magic.

We help our clients optimize price and feature sets, target the right audiences with the most compelling packages, and evaluate the customer experience. We identify awareness and perceptions of their offerings (Interactive TV, IP Video, etc.) and their consumers’ behaviors and preferences.

As the industry continues to evolve, we will continue to help our clients anticipate trends, create exceptional content, and entertain ever increasing numbers of actively engaged subscribers.



For the first time in 2018, streaming surpassed linear TV in certain day parts. That is just one data point in a trend that is seeing an accelerated rate of cord cutting and OTT stacking.

As audiences continue to fragment and lines blur between linear and digital viewing (a distinction that has become almost irrelevant to viewers), we offer the research and consulting to help our media clients and content creators develop screen agnostic strategies.

Where others see disruption and react, we help our partners anticipate and lead them to new opportunities.



Complex. Multifaceted. Intricate. Overwhelming. Essential.

Optimizing a digital strategy requires a deep understanding of individual platforms, screens and networks, and the expertise to navigate them individually and as a whole. Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and a host of emerging platforms are dramatically different beasts, reaching different people in different ways. We understand the complexities of networking across platforms to deliver the most efficient and lucrative interactions. We know the digital landscape has never been more complex, and we share best practices to capitalize on the unprecedented opportunities Our digital and social media clients look to us for a host of reasons:

• choreograph content, messaging and brand awareness across screens and social networks
• identify new revenue streams
• quantify brand awareness and provide insights and recommendations to gain mindshare
• segment audiences across platforms
• identify and leverage key influencers
• reveal how their brands provide lift for their advertisers
• develop content and content delivery strategies
• analyze relevant market realities and evaluate the competitive landscape
• identify opportunities and anticipate market trends and trajectories



Our news partners consistently become and stay #1 in their markets – all screens and all platforms.

We work with over 100 brands in the US and Canada, and have delivered success to our international partners in regions ranging from Norway and Australia, to Malaysia and Indonesia.

Breaking news. Local News. Sports. Weather. Traffic. On-air. Online. No company has a greater depth and breadth of experience at building and retaining news audiences and amplifying brand awareness and loyalty than SmithGeiger.

We work on site and remotely, covering every aspect of programming from content, talent, pacing, and timing to mobile apps and digital optimization.



Trust. Truth. Where do you stand?

The current political news landscape is dynamic, with changes and disruption now accelerating at an unprecedented pace. It is defined by increasingly insatiable appetites for political content in an environment that is unsettled and supercharged by allegations of “fake” news, partisan leanings, and “alternative facts.”

Understanding news brands’ affinity and trust has never been more complex or more important. We deliver:

• brand assessments
• ad effectiveness studies
• segmentation
• digital optimization
• content development for all platforms and social media networks
• snackable video tactics and strategy
• trust index



Sports represents one of the final frontiers of appointment viewing. Across all sports genres, it also inspires some of the most passionate and pervasive social media exchanges.

Sports teams, channels, fantasy networks, and programs look to us to develop their content and programs to propel their content and brand across all screens, platforms and social networks.

We deliver:

• program tests and maintenance
• talent assessments
• digital optimization
• brand and segmentation studies
• ad assessment and effectiveness
• fan attitude & behavior profiles



Our publishing partners continue to set the benchmark for inspirational, insightful, prize winning and ground breaking content. While their roots may be in print, these partners rely on our research and consulting to identify new revenue streams and build audiences across all screens and social media networks.

They create exceptional content. We decode the complexities of multiple screens, social networks, and expectations around video and user-generated content. Our recommendations drive their success across all platforms.



Creation. Discovery. Distribution. Optimization. Conversion.

By screen and across social networks, we deliver the research and provide strategies to develop and distribute the most effective and compelling content (video, text, images). We drive significant increases in downloads and subscriptions, time on site/apps and other engagement factors. We meet these objectives through research and a multi-layered “enrichment” process and a plan that we call “5×5” which focuses our partners’ teams on the content that has the greatest revenue potential.

Our services include:

• best practices in storytelling
• short form, long form, and snackable video
• quantify brand perceptions
• determine what content is most in alignment with your brand and audience expectations
• differentiate content by screen and social media network
• find ways to leverage all the screens throughout a user’s day to bring people to our platforms.
• map all conversion points and possibilities to drive subscriber growth and use of other related platforms.
• grow new digital and social revenue.
• Provide a toolkit and playbook to create videos for digital and OTT/CTV


Consumer Brands/Clients

The right words. The right device. The right person. The right time of day.

Businesses look to us to quantify brand awareness, define audience segments, assess features and functionality, and deliver tactics and strategies to engage consumers across all screens and social networks.

From fine wines, smart TVs, gaming consoles, and luxury hotels, to online auctions, smartphones, women’s fashion, and premium content, we provide our partners with comprehensive insights into the perceptions, behaviors, and motivations of their existing and perspective consumers.

Read more about our work in:


The right words. The right device. The right person. The right time of day.

Businesses look to us to quantify brand awareness, define audience segments, assess features and functionality, and deliver tactics and strategies to engage consumers across all screens and social networks.

From fine wines, smart TVs, gaming consoles, and luxury hotels, to online auctions, smartphones, women’s fashion, and premium content, we provide our partners with comprehensive insights into the perceptions, behaviors, and motivations of their existing and perspective consumers.


The experience for business and leisure travelers extends far beyond their immediate travel dates. We help our partners understand their consumer segments and build brand awareness from the moment a trip is conceived, to the days, weeks and months after the journey has ended.

We provide:

• segmentation analysis
• brand tracking
• digital optimization
• cross selling and cross platform strategies
• ad studies


We drive engagement, subscriptions and revenues. Our expertise in the gaming universe supports four main areas:

• product evolution – usability, features and functionality.
• brand evaluation and audience segmentation.
• content development – understanding users’ needs and expectations to refine and develop leading edge games.
• digital optimization – drive sales, engagement and subscriptions across all screens and platforms.



18 to 24 year olds log over 11 hours of screen time every day, a phenomenon driven by mobile and one that affects all businesses.

The digital landscape has become a universe of almost infinite options where viewers and consumers have unprecedented choice and control over what, when, and where they watch. Immediacy and participation have become the new norm as we view, buy, search, tweet, like, Snap, Instagram, comment, recommend, rave, rant, Yelp, and friend all from the palm of our hand.

Drawing from over 4000 studies, we know not just how and when people use mobile, but the why behind their actions. We report what our partners’ audience’s needs and expectations are across products, apps, programs, events, brands, and services. We decode that information and provide clear insights, tactics and strategies to drive revenue, brand awareness, and engagement for our partners.


Finance & Clients

Financial consumers enjoy unprecedented access to products, services and information. They expect their brands, banks, brokers, and insurers to be everywhere they are, 24 x 7. We help our financial clients understand what this evolving digital reality means for their brands and how to reach the right consumer on the right device, at the right time of day.

We understand the complexities and regulations of the financial world. We have a long history dealing with sensitive customer data, and our analysts, data team, quality control personnel, and research staff have all completed and passed extensive background checks.

We offer the following services:

• evaluate and build brand awareness
• reveal the customer Path-2-Purchase (mortgage, small business, education, retirement, etc.)
• product enhancement and evaluation including mobile strategies
• customer satisfaction – real time and ongoing
• digital optimization, social listening, and cross platform strategies
• Segmentation analysis
• price and feature optimization


Education & Clients

Acquisition. Retention. Reputation.

The call for innovative education, both online and on site, continues to be a rallying cry around the country and across the globe. Schools (K-12 ), colleges and universities face increasing competition for the hearts, minds, and tuition checks of qualified students and academics.

We help our education partners evaluate their brand awareness and perceptions, provide universe estimates and segmentation studies for enrollment, and recommend how to effectively communicate across screens, platforms (print, outdoor, online and on air) and social networks.

We provide:

• brand analysis
• digital optimization
• segmentation studies
• student/parent satisfaction


Government & Clients

From the Department of Defense to The Broadcasting Board of Governors, federal, state, and local agencies face the same branding, engagement, and communications issues as their commercial counterparts. But their processes are unique, and they require an added depth of experience to meet a host of specific requirements and considerations.

SmithGeiger has been awarded a GSA Schedule Contract and consistently and successfully meets and exceeds our government client’s needs and expectations.

Our GSA awarded price list can be found at the GSA e-library.

GSA Schedule : GS-07F-0535Y
DUNS: 067784673


New Revenue


The media landscape and the revenue models within it continue to evolve at an almost exponential pace. As it transforms, opportunities to generate new revenue have never been greater or more complex. SmithGeiger delivers value on three primary levels: Increase Ad Sales: Our Elevate experts work directly with your ad sales team to deliver a proven process that increases your sales. Last year, our partners realized new revenues of $20M through our Elevate program with 100% client retention. These Elevate services (described below in detail) include a 3-day training session, 1-on-1 workshops, and best practices tool kit. I addition, we attend a pitch week working hand in hand with your sales experts as they meet clients and close deals. Relationship Revenue Workshops. We empower our partners and their sales teams by reimagining ways for them to fully leverage the content and the connections they already have. Our experts guide your team to new possibilities in creating revenue based on industry leading case studies, best practices and sales pitches. These workshops (7 in total) are action oriented, affordable and focused on key opportunities including On Air/Digital Content Revenue Optimization, Good Deeds and Public Service Revenue, Native and Branded Content Revenue, Social Media Revenue, Video and OTT Revenue, Contests and Sweepstakes Revenue, and Agency Services. Going beyond non-traditional revenue, these workshops give your team new partnership capabilities focused on your best local revenue opportunities. Research: Through surveys, focus groups, and testing, we evaluate brand awareness, lift, engagement and intent-to-purchase which empowers our partners to quantify success and increase ad buys.





We create the perfect storm around content development, discovery and distribution. Our digital optimization teams measurably increase brand awareness, engagement, ratings, and revenues. All screens. All platforms. All social media networks. Our services range from ½ and full day workshops to monthly consulting engagements. In all cases, our partners look to us for a host of deliverables: • Conversational choreography – efficiently message across all screens and social networks • Identify new revenue streams • Quantify digital brand awareness and provide insights and recommendations to gain mindshare • Understand and implement social triggers • Best practices to create and distribute video snackables • Develop digital content and content delivery strategies • Digital/website/app reinforcement • Influencer amplification - identify and leverage key influencers • Content enrichment (evolve different presentations for different screens and social networks) • Mobile micro moments





From The Voice and The Weather Channel, to late night comedy, sports, reality TV, promotions, and the newsroom, our on-air consultants continue to launch and support award-winning channels and programs that dominate their markets. We combine comprehensive research (dial tests, focus groups, surveys, etc.) with over 30 years of industry expertise and work directly with producers to deliver concise recommendations that address everything from content, pacing, wardrobe, and talent, to engagement across platforms and the implications of simultaneous screen usage. We reveal the “why” behind audience behaviors, and detail and implement changes that boost ratings and drive viewer acquisition.





We never lose sight of the people behind the numbers and offer a multitude of ways to reveal a deep and personal understanding of what drives their behaviors and motivations. Our qualitative services include the acquisition of sample sources, moderator guides, moderator, facilities, incentives, and comprehensive presentations. We capture most sessions in high quality video, which we can stream to your location in real-time upon request. The unmatched quality of our sample and the timeliness with which we complete our studies are without equal. Services include: • Traditional focus groups • Dial tests (in-person/online) • Digital research panels • Ethnographies (in-home/peer groups) • Digital ethnographies (Virtual Tag Along) • Store intercept/secret shoppers • Moment-2-Moment digital life • Social networking applications • 1-on-1 online chats • Video diaries • Online message boards/forums • Usability tests/moderated usability sessions • Affinity groups/1-on-1 sessions





Unbiased. Comprehensive. Precise. Actionable. Timely. With over 4000 custom research projects to our name, SmithGeiger sets the benchmark for quantitative studies. We supply everything you need, including the acquisition of sample, questionnaire design, proprietary Flash Reports (one-click access to all data points of your study), analysis, and comprehensive actionable recommendations. The unmatched quality of our sample, the sophistication of our surveys, and the timeliness with which we complete our studies are without equal. Our services include: • online and mobile surveys • segmentation • brand tracking and analysis • price optimization • conjoint analysis • principle components • max/diff • multi-variant



Sam Walton

Manager Strategic Research



As Manager of Strategic Research, Sam Walton is involved in all stages of research projects, including survey design, data analysis and insights, report building, and interfacing with clients. Since 2010, Sam has been an integral part of designing and implementing strategic research programs for our clients. He conveys complex concepts to business leaders and provides on-going counsel and insight allowing them to meet their business objectives.


Prior to joining SmithGeiger, Sam worked as an Adjunct Professor of Physics at California Lutheran University teaching physics concepts in a lab-based environment to future educators. He has a love of research and turning findings into actionable outcomes.


Sam and his wife live outside of Denver and have one child with plans for more. He holds a B.S. in Physics with an emphasis on Fluid Dynamics and an MBA with an emphasis on Small Business Consulting, both from California Lutheran University.



Gilbert Quinonez

Director Analytics



For over a decade, Gilbert has managed the quality control process at SmithGeiger and oversees data analytics projects. Gilbert is responsible for SmithGeiger’s rigorous quality control process, which includes data integrity and quality, survey methodology and logic, and ensuring deliverables are held to a high standard for data accuracy, visualization and clarity.


Gilbert specializes in big data projects, including modeling media consumption, mobile usage, ratings data , analyzing viewer responses to videos and testing study findings for statistical significance.


Prior to SmithGeiger, Gilbert was an online editor for the Ventura County Star, where he helped create the newspaper’s first online high school football database. Gilbert has a B.S. in Statistics from the University of California, Los Angeles.



Peter Lazaro

Manager Data Analytics


Peter manages SmithGeiger’s data analytics team which conducts the day-to-day data operations including checking, validating and overseeing the processes of all survey data. He ensures data integrity for reporting and analysis and oversees the on-time delivery of proprietary client reports – an Excel-based dynamic reporting tool that employs SPSS tables as foundation. Peter also designs innovative optimizations and enhancements or our processes which translates to more efficient workflow and rapd report turnaround times.


Prior to his 7 years at SmithGeiger, Peter was a research assistant at the Department of Statistics, Western Michigan University (WMU) – Kalamazoo, MI, where he also served 2 years as a teaching assistant. Preceding his tenure at WMU, he worked as a software engineer at Accenture, Inc in the Philippines.


Peter has a Masters in Applied Statistics from WMU and a BS in Statistics from the University of the Philippines, Manila.



Mishell Hyun Behrman

Director of Online Programming


Mishell Behrman joined SmithGeiger in 2010. She is responsible for programing online surveys, managing sample vendors and conducting the fielding for all SmithGeiger's quantitative studies.


She began her career at at SmithGeiger as project manager for operations and logistics for qualitative studies before transitioning to the quantitative research department.


Prior to SmithGeiger, Mishell spent 5 years working for GlobalNet Data Services, a market research data processing company. Mishell graduated from UCLA with a double major in Psychology and Sociology.



Emily Conklin

Director Research Production and Design



Emily has worked at SmithGeiger since 2011 and is currently the company’s Director of Research Production and Design. In this role, Emily utilizes her experience in statistical data analysis, artistic expertise, and her creativity to design and convert complex findings into powerful visualizations that are engaging and comprehensible. Previously, Emily worked as a Media Research Associate, where she refined her skills as a media and market researcher.


Prior to joining SmithGeiger, Emily worked as a Research Assistant in the Kinesiology and Public Health Department at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, where she received her Bachelor's degree in Statistics.



Robert Wendt

Senior Research Analyst



With over 15 years of broadcast experience and a proven track record of delivering results, Robert provides an in-depth understanding of the ongoing evolution of local news and advertising. He has wide-ranging experience in researching local news content and talent. Throughout his career he has been dedicated to understanding audiences and consumer behavior.


Robert has a deep passion for helping companies grow through research and strategic action planning. He has consulted several top companies in a variety of categories including media, automotive, home services, real estate, healthcare and financial services.


Prior to joining SmithGeiger he served as Research Director for Cox Media Group in Charlotte, North Carolina at WSOC-TV (ABC), WAXN-TV (IND) and Telemundo. During his time at Cox Media Group he was an innovator in data visualization identifying opportunities to grow market share and revenue for the company and its clients. He also served as chairman of the ABC Television Research Advisory Board.


Robert began his career in media at KCNC-TV (CBS O&O) in Denver, CO where he served as account executive, market executive and eventually research director.


Outside of work Robert enjoys spending time with his son and being active in the outdoors.



Michelle Toy

Content Strategist



Michelle Toy plays a critical role at SmithGeiger in shaping and growing client initiatives around content creation and distribution, helping brands leverage their traditional strengths to bolster next-gen platform performance, and molding new workflows and organizational structures.


She is an Emmy Award-winning producer who has played key roles in transforming newsrooms over the past 20 years.


Michelle served as Director of Digital and Content at KTVU Channel 2 News, in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she led the complete re-design of the station’s website and mobile apps. She crafted the social media strategy for KTVU’s main brand and talent, while also leading the all-platform initiatives for the FOX Television Stations.


Michelle has produced live broadcast events, held Executive Producer and Managing Editor posts, and produced a series of stories that changed law in California.


She helped create a newsroom modernization and workflow re-design at KNTV, when the NBC-owned station moved into a state-of-the-art, all-digital facility in Silicon Valley in 2004.


Michelle graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in Broadcast Journalism. A fourth-generation San Franciscan, she enjoys yoga, cooking, and traveling the world.



Bill Seitzler

VP Media Strategies



Providing clients with an expertise in station management, promotion, production, new media, marketing and news strategies, Bill joined SmithGeiger in 2006 after working 20 years at local television stations across the country.


Before serving as News Director for television stations KXAN – NBC Austin, KJRH – NBC Tulsa, WHEC – NBC Rochester, KAMC – ABC Lubbock, Bill was a television and radio sportscaster for 10 years. As News Director, Bill led newsrooms that won multiple Emmy, Regional Murrow and Associated Press Awards for various newscast excellences.


Bill used his passion for weather to develop innovative “Weather Lab” sets and presentations now used in many local television newsrooms. With a background in Storm Chasing and Marathon Severe Weather Coverage, Bill continues to channel his passion to develop innovative weather coverage ideas for SmithGeiger clients.


Bill lives in Austin, Texas and serves on Texas Tech University’s School of Mass Communication’s Advisory Committee.



Dan Reines

SVP Research



Dan Reines provides research analysis and strategic consulting to a broad range of SmithGeiger clients, from entertainment and media organizations to nonprofit and public organizations and trade groups. Recent project have included exensive work with CNBC, NBC, THe People's Choice Awards, Fox Sports, Google, Participant Media, AT&T U-verse and the Center For Disease Control (CDC).


Dan has an extensive background in print journalism, having written and edited for national and local newspapers, magazines, and web publications for nearly two decades, and his writing on investing and PR has appeared in two textbooks.


He has an MBA with a marketing emphasis from Pepperdine’s Graziadio School of Business and Management, and a BA in Mass Communications from the University of California at Berkeley.



Jason Hyde

SVP Research



With over twenty years of client-side experience in the market research field, Jason has a proven track record of creating and socializing actionable research about traditional and digital media consumers, directly affecting key business metrics, ratings, and revenue.


Jason has extensive experience testing nonfiction and lifestyle TV series, promotions and ad campaigns, website content and usability, brand health, and new product features and pricing at several top media companies.


In his most recent position as VP at Discovery Communications, he led the research team for their flagship brand. In this role, he tested and influenced the development, production, and marketing of some of Cable’s highest-rated series, including Gold Rush, Bering Sea Gold, Moonshiners, Frozen Planet, Amish Mafia, Fast ‘N’ Loud, Deadliest Catch, Shark Week, and Naked and Afraid.


Prior to Discovery, Jason was responsible for the research functions for Scripps Networks’ home category media brands, HGTV and DIY Network, where he helped develop and market several hit series, including Design Star, House Hunters, Holmes on Homes, and Property Brothers.


During his tenure at The Weather Channel and, Jason played a key role in introducing program pilot testing to the network, leading to the launch of TWC’s successful long-form series Storm Stories and It Could Happen Tomorrow. He also integrated market research into all of TWC’s interactive ventures, including and the fledging TWC Mobile businesses.


Jason has also held research positions at Turner Broadcasting and Atlanta’s Fox affiliate, WAGA-TV. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Florida State University in Media Communications.



Andrew Finlayson

VP Digital Media Strategies and Innovation



Andrew Finlayson serves as the senior consultant regarding leading digital media issues spanning social media, news apps, streaming video and mobile news consumption.


He joined SmithGeiger after completing the John S. Knight Fellowship at Stanford University where he studied emerging media technologies and concepts with a special emphasis on mobile, social, and location based news concepts.


Andrew has served as Director of Online Content and Business Development for the Fox Television Stations and has been a news director in Nashville for Meredith’s WSMV, where he led the newsroom to number one ratings in four out of five newscasts.


As the news director at Cox’s San Francisco/Oakland KTVU, he led the station to the market leader in all dayparts and was honored by the Project for Excellence in Journalism for the highest quality local newscast in the country.



John Culliton

SVP Media Strategies



John Culliton, through his 20 years of experience as a major market TV general manager, news director, and a new media entrepreneur, brings a multi-dimensional expertise to SmithGeiger clients.


He served as VP and GM of KCBS in Los Angeles, the ABC affiliate in Phoenix, and one of the nation’s most noted TV stations, WCCO in Minneapolis. He received national attention for being bold, colorful, and successful—balancing the entertainment qualities of television with relevant, award-winning content.


In addition, he led broadcasters into new media at the turn of the century—co-founding the nation’s largest Internet Company for broadcasters, Internet Broadcasting (IB) based in Minneapolis and New York. IB co-owns, manages, and operates websites for the NBC owned stations, Hearst-Argyle Television, Post-Newsweek stations, McGraw-Hill, Cox Broadcasting, Lin Broadcasting.


Simultaneously, John co-founded Digital Cyclone—an online and mobile weather company which developed a weather forecasting and radar which pinpoints exact latitude/longitude locations. The company sold in 2007 to GPS navigation company, Garmin.


In his current role with SmithGeiger, Culliton consults across many platforms-working closely with major media executives to enhance audience growth. Culliton has been with SmithGeiger since May of 2005.



Mark Briggs

VP Digital Media Strategies and Innovation



Mark Briggs has spent his career focused on digital strategy, business development, workplace transformation, audience and revenue building, teaching and collaboration. He has started two companies, worked in senior management for three others and written three books.


Having served as SmithGeiger’s primary statistician for over 10 years, Tim is also responsible for conducting multivariate data analysis focusing on customer segmentations, key drivers, Principal Components Analysis among other analytical techniques to uncover deeper-level storylines within the data structures.


Most recently Briggs has served as the director of digital media and innovation for KING 5 in Seattle from 2010-2017 and served as a Ford Fellow in Entrepreneurial Journalism at The Poynter Institute from 2010-2012. Previously, he co-founded Serra Media, a Seattle-based technology company, and spent nine years running newspaper websites in Everett and Tacoma, Wash.


Briggs is the author of Entrepreneurial Journalism, a book about the rise of journalism startups and how to start your own journalism business. It was published by CQPress and released in October 2011.Briggs is also the author of Journalism 2.0: How to survive and thrive in the digital age which was published by J-Lab and the Knight Citizen News Network in 2007 and downloaded as a PDF more than 200,000 times in English, Spanish and Portuguese.


That book lead to Journalism Next, which was published by CQPress in December 2009. A second edition was published in Nov. 2012 and a third edition hit the shelves (and Kindles) in 2015 and is available at (A French translation was also released in late 2013.)


As part of his mission to help journalists transform in the digital age and leverage the power of digital/social/mobile media, Mark has served as a speaker, trainer and consultant for various projects around the U.S., Europe, and the Middle East. He spoke at SXSW Interactive in Austin in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. In May 2010 he was named one of 20 Journalists to Follow by Quill, the magazine of the Society of Professional Journalists.



Tim Talley

VP Operations and Data Analytics



Tim is responsible for research methodologies, data hygiene, reporting deliverables and the custom data analytic functions at SmithGeiger. Tim leads a team of data analysts who build cutting-edge, powerful reporting tools allowing SmithGeiger clients to visualize their survey results in a streamlined and intuitive format.


Having served as SmithGeiger’s primary statistician for over 10 years, Tim is also responsible for conducting multivariate data analysis focusing on customer segmentations, key drivers, Principal Components Analysis among other analytical techniques to uncover deeper-level storylines within the data structures.


Prior to joining SmithGeiger, Tim was a research manager at where he was involved in analyzing the trends and key satisfaction metrics for more than 2,000 online retailers and providing client management to several key accounts. He also mined relational databases for use in consumer segmentation modeling and actively supported’s sales team by helping to provide research solutions to specific marketing-related problems.


Before working at, Tim was a project director at Maritz Marketing Research, a large custom marketing research firm based in St. Louis. Tim directed all aspects of project management from sampling, fielding, tabulation and data analysis for projects in a variety of industries including hi-tech firms, financial institutions, public utilities, gasoline companies, and newspaper syndicates.



Chris Lang

Partner and EVP Research



Chris has worked with SmithGeiger for over a decade and specializes in a host of strategic areas, including marketing, pricing, promotions, distribution, and development. He serves a range of media and entertainment clients across the broadcast, cable, satellite, technology, and digital arenas, including ABC, NBC, Warner Bros., Disney, Sony, Universal Studios, T-Mobile, CTAM, NFL Network, TV Land, DTS, and many local TV stations.


Prior to joining SmithGeiger, Mr. Lang served as Director of Consulting for (working closely with clients such as Nokia and and before that as Senior Research Consultant for Frank N. Magid Associates in Los Angeles.


Chris began his career in media as a writer for KFOR-TV, the NBC affiliate in Oklahoma City, OK. He holds an MBA from The Anderson School at UCLA where graduated as a member of the Anderson Business Honor Society. He graduated with honors from Northwestern University, majoring in Communication Studies and Economics.



Barbara Breest




Barbara oversees all financial, accounting and HR functions and has been an integral part of the SmithGeiger team since 2001. Prior to SmithGeiger, she was Vice President of Finance for Creative Domain, a firm focused on marketing for the movie industry. Creative Domain specialized in the production of trailers and TV commercials and served all major studios including Sony, Walt Disney, DreamWorks, Paramount, 20th Century Fox and Universal.


Barbara is a Certified Public Accountant in the State of California, a member of the AICPA and the California Society of CPA’s. She has a business degree from the University of Michigan.



Chris Archer

Partner and EVP Media Strategies



Chris Archer joined SmithGeiger in 2010 after serving key newsroom roles for almost 20 years.


As News Director, Chris led the unprecedented combination of the CBS, NBC, and Independent television stations as part of the Hawaii Shared Services Agreement in late 2009 – a model that would then be used in various other markets around the country. In just 60 days, he redeployed the news staff and all-platform workflow to seamlessly produce more than 40 hours of content per week from one newsroom.


Before his success in Hawaii, Chris spent nearly a decade at KRON-TV in San Francisco, starting during its NBC era. With the internet in its infancy, he helped the station transition away from its long-time NBC affiliation by creating, producing, and then managing San Francisco’s first 9 p.m. newscast, and pioneering several early digital initiatives. Chris then led his team through one of the industry’s first video journalist deployments, training his large staff to work in what has become a model for other newsrooms across the country.


When not traveling for work, Chris loves spending time with his two daughters in his native San Francisco Bay Area. Chris graduated from the University of California at Berkeley.



Seth Geiger

President and Co-Founder



Dr. Seth Geiger directs the development of strategic research partnerships and oversees research innovation and product engineering. He has consulted with clients across the broadcast, cable, satellite, digital platforms, syndicated television, telecom and web industries, including: ABC, AT&T Broadband, CNN, DIRECTV, Discovery Networks, Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NBC, Raycom, Scripps Networks, Sinclair, TiVo, Visa, Warner Bros., among others.


Prior to forming SmithGeiger, Dr. Geiger served as Vice President of Professional and E-Commerce Services for, the leading supplier of e-commerce research and intelligence, and the largest B2C shopping marketplace on the web. Dr. Geiger set strategy, built research partnerships and oversaw the development of real-time, integrated web-based research reporting tools.


Before joining, Dr. Geiger worked for Frank N. Magid Associates, where he established the company’s strategic research direction and designed research initiatives in new media and television convergence. Dr. Geiger joined Magid from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was an assistant professor in the Department of Communication. His academic research is recognized internationally in the fields of media processing, research design and mass media effects.


Dr. Geiger holds a Ph.D. and Master's degree in Communication Research from Stanford University and a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology from Cornell University.



Dave Smith

CEO and Founder



David Smith directs the development of strategic consulting partnerships, oversees all consulting relationships, and is responsible for marketing and cultivating client relationships. During his 20-year consulting career, he has consulted with ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, UPN, WB, Lifetime, USA Networks, A&E, Disney, Warner Bros., Sony, 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Universal, Microsoft, MSNBC, CNBC, Hearst, COX, AOL and many other clients.   


Prior to forming SmithGeiger, Mr. Smith opened the Entertainment Practice in Los Angeles and New York for Frank N. Magid Associates. As President of Entertainment, Mr. Smith presided over the largest growth in the firm’s long history and served as a senior consultant to virtually all of the major studios and production companies in the industry. He consulted on all facets of his clients' business, including: brand identity, format development, talent evaluation and performance, distribution, marketing, and promotion. Before creating the Entertainment Division, Mr. Smith held key management positions in Magid's television station practice, consulting with prominent broadcasters around the world.


Mr. Smith began his career in media as a journalist, reporting and anchoring in television stations across the country. Later he served as an Associate Professor of Journalism at the University of Missouri School of Journalism, where he received undergraduate and graduate degrees.


Depth Of Experience

We have conducted over 4000 proprietary studies and have had a seat at the table at every major transition from broadcast, to digital, to mobile, to today’s continuing evolution of multi-screen and multi-platform technology, including OTT and virtual reality. We set the benchmark for understanding, evaluating, and delivering actionable recommendations in this highly complex digital landscape. Our forward thinking provides roadmaps for our clients to choreograph their programs and messaging across all social networks, transform disruption into opportunity, and develop new and innovative revenue streams. We do not limit our services to research. We are instrumental in helping our clients apply the insights and learnings surfaced in the data. The media landscape continues to evolve at an exponential rate. In order to help our clients anticipate trends and adapt at the speed of digital, we offer ongoing consulting services. Our teams support both on-air and digital initiatives, and we choreograph efforts across all screens and social media platforms. We consult with over 100 stations in the US, a host of media companies and provide research based guidance for all aspects of brand, product, and program development.



We never leave our clients with an indecipherable data dump. While we do deliver comprehensive data and analyses, we decode that information and provide insights and actionable recommendations designed to meet our client’s core objectives. We interpret the date and provide clear roadmaps for success. Additionally, we deliver our raw data (in addition to any data formats requested) in the form of our proprietary Flash Reports. These reports enable our clients to access any cut of the data with a single click. We obviate the need for any additional time and expense that other firms require to process those additional data cuts.



We have a reputation within the industry of delivering the fastest turn-around times on even the most complex segmentation studies.



Unlike many more traditional research firms, we are not wed or limited to any specific methodology. We deliver a broad and innovative range of quantitative and qualitative services and will deploy whatever service or combination of services best meets our client’s marketing objectives. These include online and mobile surveys, digital panels, online and in-person dial tests, focus groups, affinity sessions, proprietary digital ethnographies, eye tracking, Emotient Analytics (facial Coding), on site and in-store interviews.



We move at the speed of digital and are market leaders in innovating research technology and methodologies. Our Virtual Tag Along® sets the benchmark for digital ethnographies, and our current work with Stanford University, ShareRocket, and Vertical Knowledge enable us to deliver 1) Moment-to-Moment immersive digital monitoring, 2) real-time social equity scores, and 3) a digital monitoring system capturing sentiment, content, interactions, transactional behavior and trends with real time reporting and dashboards.


Sampling Methods:

By design, we rely on a number of different sample sources in order to meet the needs of each project and offer a deeper sample base than most.

  • All members of our panels are recruited exclusively using double opt-in permission-based techniques and have expressed interest in participating in online market research.
  • We DO NOT use unsolicited email or spam in our recruiting.
  • Using multiple suppliers ensures that we minimize any bias that might occur when utilizing a single source for sample.
  • In the process of fielding the study, panel respondents are checked against each other, thus preventing the respondents from taking the survey more than once.


Quality Control:

The emphasis we place on quality control is unmatched in the industry. We monitor and clean the data several different ways:

  • Look for patterns in the data (i.e. straightliner analysis and inconsistent answers)
  • Review the open-ended questions to verify that the respondents are giving cogent, valid responses
  • We also verify based on length (time spent) of interview (speed trap)
  • Scrub out by locality based on zip code and/or IP address coming from “out of the region”
  • Many of our surveys also include “attention” questions which ask the respondent to answer a particular way in order to make sure they are paying attention.